My Creative Process
One of the most effective strategies that I have utilized during this process is the Pomodoro Technique. This strategy is for time management and improving focus. This helped me to be very productive and know that I had a short break in between. The strategy involves setting a timer for 25 minutes and being very productive and then taking a short 5-minute break. After a few rounds, the break increases once to 15-20 minutes (Memon, 2019). This process helped me especially when researching and creating my bags. Both tasks are time consuming and felt overwhelming but breaking it down into smaller parts and times helped me remain attentive and overall made me more productive. In addition to using this technique, I would partially time block. This allowed me to see when my classes were and outside commitments and to schedule working time for my capstone. I had never done these two methods prior to this, but it helped me feel very organized.
Memon, Masooma. “The science behind the pomodoro technique and how it helps supercharge your productivity.” Published April 2019.