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Pentathalon Semester 2

As an experiential component of College Park Arts Scholars, I attended a selection of five art events during my second semester. These events ranged in art mediums and each sparked dialogue among my peers.

#Dance #Film

Dance in the Sun, directed by Shirley Clarke

January 1, 2025 streamed from Alexander Street platform

I was able to watch a dance choreographed by Daniel Nagrin and the film production by Shirley Clarke. Although she was incredibly talented, she was not a man, so she was not credited all the fame she deserved. Her films were true to herself and unique, dazzling and bold. The Magic Box was created to investigate all of her projects and admire the life of such a filmmaker. 


I was able to stream the film off of a UMD streaming site to watch her film with Daniel Nagrin as the dancer. Her work was appreciated but deserved more credit, so it was very interesting to watch and see her film style compared to the large advancements we have now. I learned that our society is learning to appreciate art regardless of the creator's gender, race, age, ethnicity, etc. This was eye-opening to realize the progress we have made in the art industry and to realize there is still more needed before we have reached complete equality. 


2-For-1 Pentathlon: Draw Together

#VisualArt #ArtScholars

This "Draw Together" event occurred on a zoom call hosted by AAB. We were able to meet people in art scholars and enjoy drawing funny pictures such as adding legs to animals without legs, and making animals look like humans. It showed me what the AAB club can organize and how art allows creativity to flow. It was very interesting to see other people's take on the topics we were give to draw, and then we were able to talk about the creations afterwards and discuss which ones stood out to us and why. This reminded me of a fun event during an art scholars call where we put a white board on and were all able to annotate the screen. This is a fun way to express yourself and learn more about others!


This zoom occurred on February 28th

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2-For-1 Pentathlon:

#Presentation #ArtScholars

In the breakout room on zoom, we played on We were able to get to know each other better and try to guess the drawing that someone else drew on the screen. This was a fun challenge to engage with people in our living learning program and use art as a form of bonding. It was really helpful to get to know others and use art as a form of connecting to others in a virtual and safe environment.The environment was competitive but very welcoming and fun and showed a new website that can be used to virtually play a game with friends that incorporates art. I can use this during the pandemic when it isn't possible to see people in person, but I still want to interact with others. 


This zoom occurred on February 28th

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Lil Nas X Music Video: Pentathlon 4

#music #presentation #artscholars

In a zoom call with peer mentors Jenna and Jackie, we watched the music video of Lil Nas X's song Montero. We discussed the meaning behind the video which gave me a deeper comprehension of his struggles and controversy he deals with. We talked about the idea of double standards because he was scrutinized for coming out as gay and his ethnicity might also play a large role in the harsh feedback he faces. The video signified him going to Hell because of his sexuality, but this is saddening to see how he is treated for being himself. This event was eye opening to those ideas of sexuality and double standards and showed that music and other art forms such as music videos can play a large role in changing our opinions and showing the hurt and pain people face. Art is also a useful tool to show the inequality to others and express your feelings openly. 

Completed 4/9/2021

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Pentathlon 2: News

Art Therapy Project- Gratitude for someone else


         For this project I decided to show my appreciation for my mom and all that she does for me by creating a Mother's Day card. The butterflies symbolize her mother who passed away from cancer a few years ago. I also cut around the butterflies and colored the inside of the card blue where it peaked out behind the cutout, to give the card depth. I am planning on mailing the card to her along with a gift on mother's day. By completing this task it became clear that art is therapeutic to do, but also can be a sign of appreciation and a gift to others. Not all gifts need to be store bought because often times the handmade ones have more meaning and value to the person receiving them. The time and thought put forth in creating a gift or card show gratitude at a higher level than just making a purchase. 


Completed April 23, 2021


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Pentathlon 2: News

Katerina Kremer

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